My name is Clyde Toohey. I was born in Alaska and I lived there till I was 8. In Alaska I learned to ski, we hiked a lot, and we went on boats. We had a trail behind our house and so that was great. I learned to bike at 3 years old because we were on the trail so much. We did all kinds of stuff on that trail. Do you know what the Iditarod is? The Iditarod is a sled dog race to honor all the people who delivered medicine to Nome. When the flu was really bad in Nome and planes could not go to deliver medicine. Trains could not go to deliver medicine. There were only sled dogs who could make it in the horrible conditions. Now they have the Iditarod. The Iditarod ceremonial start would come right through there which was always really cool. We would have a big party to see all the dogs and shout “good luck’ to the mushers. But when I was 7, unfortunately, I broke my femur skiing. Although to this day I still ski and I have taken up snowboarding here in La Grande at Anthony Lakes. All throughout the Pacific Northwest, my family and I spend time rafting, biking and backpacking. Also we camp a lot!
We moved to Eastern Oregon because my mom got a job at Eastern Oregon University. The first couple weeks of class this year, my teacher Mrs. Annas nominated me to run for Oregon Kid Governor then I started campaigning. I had a lot of support from my class and they helped me make a lot of posters.
I ran for Oregon Kid Governor was because I saw and found out that it is very hard to concentrate when you don’t have enough physical activity. So as part of my plan, I proposed you do a thing in the morning where for maybe one minute during the announcements the whole school has to be active. That could be doing jumping jack squats, push-ups, jogging in place etc.
When you don’t have good food for your brain, I thought we could try and get healthier and better school lunches but of course that would take a lot of money. So I came up with a plan to get that money also there is new funding money available for lunches in Oregon. Some ideas I had for fundraising were to find somebody who would be willing to rent the pool for a couple hours and during that time you would have people who would sponsor kids and they would maybe pay the kids 50 cents a lap, and then you could do more fundraisers like maybe a game night every month and Bingo cards so that most people would buy a bingo cards and have raffles where you could win stuff.
Also, I have after school clubs for my three-point plan. At my old school you could sign up for an extra hour of recess at the end of the day and I thought that was pretty amazing. I mean it’s just like what kid doesn’t want to have an extra hour of recess it also provides a low-cost Child Care option.
The inauguration was at Salem for the Oregon kid governor and cabinet inauguration it was in the capital. It was really cool. It was all covered in marble and there was a cool statue on top.
Luckily, I got to meet Oregon’s Secretary of State Shemia Fagan. I also met a retired Chief Justice.