December 15th was the last cabinet meeting with my cabinet. It was a fun meeting where we met the incoming cabinet members and incoming Kid Governor Zoya. As my time as Kid Governor comes to an end, it has been fun to reflect on all I have accomplished.

A few of my favorite things I did while I was Kid Governor:
- I met former Governor Kate Brown and current Governor Tina Kotek.
- I got to go to the Oregon State Capitol for the inauguration and had cool Oregon cookies.
- I loved getting to know my cabinet and the great work they accomplished.
- I got to go to the Senate floor and be honored by my State Senator Woods.
- I met my State Representative Neron and got a chance to meet Sherwood Mayor Tim Rosener.
- The entire Sherwood Council recognized me and gave me an award!
- I was interviewed a bunch of times about my platform.
- I worked with the Morris Brothers on antibullying in our district.
- I got to do a bunch of cool things as Oregon Kid Governor.
My cabinet members accomplished a lot of great things too. I’m proud of all the work they did! I will miss our cabinet meetings, but I know they will continue to work hard in their schools and communities.
I’m so grateful for the opportunity that I had to be Oregon’s 2023 Kid’s governor. It has taught me lifelong lessons of friendship, politics and how important it is to make a difference.