Raaga in the kitchen cooking yummy food.

Fundraiser for JOIN: Hullabaloo

Dear RFK Friends, (RFK = Raaga’s Fun Kitchen)

Homelessness. Living on the streets. Or in a car. Or off of someone’s couch or basement, knowing that they may lose the roof over their head, any day. JOIN Portland is an organization committed to addressing homelessness by transitioning them into permanent housing. They are hosting their annual fundraiser, Hullabaloo, this month.

Homelessness is not easy under normal circumstances. Add in extreme weather and wildfires, social unrest, and a once in a century pandemic, things get untenable for our most vulnerable neighbors. Times of devastation like this reaffirm and remind me why I am passionate about fundraising, to end homelessness. I made it my goal to raise at least $1000 for JOIN’s Hullabaloo. As a token of my appreciation for your donations and support, I will be delivering you an RFK special lunch on the weekend of 09/26.

Here’s the link to donate to this cause: (Company matching available from most local employers)

If you would like to fundraise on your own for this great cause, please join my team- Raaga’s Fun Kitchen– on Join’s fundraising page! Please reach out to me for more information on how to do that! Please donate generously, and help the homeless lead a life of safety, dignity and respect during these testing times. Thanks for your time!

Raaga Mandala

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